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My Personal Portfolio

I am an enthusiastic Frontend Engineer focusing on the development of web and mobile apps using React, JavaScript, Redux, HTML and CSS. I have worked with a Fortune 100 firm and have recently transitioned to a startup-like company. My strengths include designing and building delightful user interfaces abiding by best practices and highest code standards.

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COVID-19 Tracker

Using React, Material UI and Chart.js, I developed a tracker for the number of people infected, recovered and dead from COVID-19

  • React
  • Material UI
  • Chart.js

Hacker News Clone

I developed a clone of Hacker News using React, React Router and using concepts like React Context, Reusable Components, Class Fields and Code Splitting

  • React
  • React Router
  • JavaScript

Mobile Flashcards

Mobile app using React Native. It allows users to study collections of flashcards. Users can create different categories of flashcards called 'decks', add flashcards to those decks, then take quizzes on those decks.

  • React
  • React Native

Would You Rather Web App

Web App built using React and Redux. It lets a user play the 'Would You Rather?' game. The game goes like this: A user is asked a question in the form: 'Would you rather [option A] or [option B] ?'.

  • React
  • Redux

My Reads

This is a Web app based on React fundamentals, such as state management, and React Router principles. You can assign books to different shelves and make a search to add more books.

  • React
  • JavaScript


I've worked with a range of technologies on the Front-End space, from plain JavaScript, HTML and CSS to React, React Native and Redux.

  • Front-End

    Experience with React, Redux, React Native, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

About Me

I am an enthusiastic Frontend Engineer focusing on the development of web and mobile apps using React, JavaScript, Redux, HTML and CSS. I have worked with a Fortune 100 firm and have recently transitioned to a startup-like company. My strengths include designing and building delightful user interfaces abiding by best practices and highest code standards.

I am a passionate career-changer who has experienced first-hand the transformational power of online learning. I feel motivated by everything tech and building on the web.

Always looking for the next challenge